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"Golfing is on the open field, and is a better way to keep social distance than playing basketball or swimming," said Du's mother, Mrs. Gao. "It's safer."

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"From education to health to entertainment, the innovation we see here is incredible and we can't wait to see what these talented developers will come up with next," Xie said.

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"For quite a long time, Cartier has focused on digitalization and ensured that we embrace this new channel. We prioritized creating a space and experience online that could provide the same bespoke services as our physical boutiques," Alix said.


"From theory and planning to practical implementations, cooperation in the alignments of development strategies between China and other SCO member states has also come to a new stage, with a series of projects under steady progress," Li said.


"Government departments should enact more effective policies and offer greater support in light of progress in actual implementation," Li added.


